Friday, June 26, 2009

fgBrowser 2.6 released - private version still pending

Hi there!

I'm very happy to announce: fgBrowser 2.6 is finally released!

[INFO Compatibility]
Some users reported a glitch with formular data. After filling one field, the browser gets unresponsive to links or other formular data. This is a compatibility issue with the 3.0 iPhone OS It's a bug which should be addressed by Apple with an 3.0.1 update.[/INFO]

Instructions how to setup your private fgBrowser 2.6 bookmarklet:

manually install:

1.) Launch Mobile Safari (on your iPhone)
2.) Surf to "" and make a new bookmark of
3.) Go to your bookmarks, touch "edit" and touch on your newly created bookmark
4.) This will bring up the edit screen. Put there "private multitouch" as a title (this text is up to you)
5.) The very important part:
In the URL field type in exactly the next bold line


6) After that you may return to the bookmark screen
7) From now on, if you like to send an safari bookmark to fgBrowser, just surf to the site with safari, bring up the bookmark screen, and tap on "private multitouch"
8) This will close safari and brings up multitouch - fgBrowser. If everything went OK you should see a short flashing "+ bookmark added" sign

I dedicate this release to the one and only MICHAEL JACKSON!

But the Private fgBrowser 2.6 update is still in review und should be available soon! It features also the "touch loading indicator icon to STOP loading" and some iPhone 3.0 improvements. Currently if you are using 2.5 on a prior 3.0 device everything will work fine. With 3.0 AND the PRIVATE version you will encounter problems following some links. This issue is already fixed in 2.6.

I'm currently emailing with apple about the AutoFill feature. Hope fgBrowser will soon utilize this one.

So long, hope you like the new icon design,

best regards,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

[update - video review] fgBrowser 2.6 update still (still) pending

Josh a great fgBrowser supporter made a great video review for the pending 2.6 version:

Thank you!

Unfortunately Apples SDK and approval processes are against me. The 2.6 update of the normal fgBrowser is still pending. They also got several flaws which I have to find workarounds for it, to make an easer and faster and nicer to use webbrowser for the iPhone. I dream of the day when I touch a link in the mail app and fgBrowser opens. I'm currently in touch with the apple developer stuff to bring new features like AutoFill; Image Saving and many many (History Autocompletion -> search...) more to you! I don't give up, even if the way will be a very rocky one.

Hope 2.6 will be released soon. Until then, if there are any issues / comments about fgBrowser just write me


greets :)

Looking for instructions?

> fgBrowser INSTRUCTION <
> private fgBrowser INSTRUCTION <