Sunday, May 31, 2009

Private Version 2.5 released.. Finally

After several e-mails and a phone call from the reviewer team, its finally available as an update in the AppStore.

So what's new:

- it got a readable name and a new discrete icon
- a pass-code protected bookmark section
- fast scroll to to / bottom (must be enabled under the general settings of your iphone, just scroll down until "multitouch")
- remember last orientation / autorotation lock -> Use it as an permanent widescreen browser for example...
- customize @ general setting
- flip the history back'n'forth gesture if you like
- Open a safari page in your private browser

Instructions how to setup your private fgBrowser bookmarklet:

manually install:

1.) Launch Mobile Safari (on your iPhone)
2.) Surf to "" and make a new bookmark of
3.) Go to your bookmarks, touch "edit" and touch on your newly created bookmark
4.) This will bring up the edit screen. Put there "private multitouch" as a title (this text is up to you)
5.) The very important part:
In the URL field type in exactly the next bold line


6) After that you may return to the bookmark screen
7) From now on, if you like to send an safari bookmark to fgBrowser, just surf to the site with safari, bring up the bookmark screen, and tap on "private multitouch"
8) This will close safari and brings up private multitouch - fgBrowser. If everything went OK you should see a short flashing "+ bookmark added" sign

As usual, if there any problems just send me an email.
greets :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

multitouch private fullscreen browser in update process [delayed x2][cracked][hint]

There are many improvements done, which I'm not able to deliver because because I'm still waiting for approval. As the approval process takes so long in the moment (I'm waiting over 2 weeks now), I'm going to focus on the nearly released 3.0 iPhone OS. There will be a bunch of new features and further improvements!

There are a few things you may try if fgBrowser crashes with big (many images) pages:
- reboot your iPhone, this releases all memory which is retained by safari
- close all pages in safari (this gives more memory to other apps!)
- send an email with a link to the particular problem page, so I can evaluate.
There is a review in the US AppStore which says: "it worked for about 20 seconds".
As a tiny hint I would suggest you to lay 3 fingertips down on your iPhone screen. This will bring up the bookmarks, history, url field and google.
To navigate fast back and forth, just swipe parallel with 2 fingers to left (back) or right (forward)
enable / disable accelerometer -> swipe up with 2 fingers
bring up a context menu -> swipe down with 2 fingers

As you do so, fgBrowser works fine :-) Hope you enjoy :-)
Apple needs more -unexpected- time for review. Thats maybe because of the 3.0 compliance tests. They have to check all current apps to be ready for iPhone OS 3.0...
[X2] -> Hooooopefully soon accepted - Can't wait ...

so it is done. fgBrowser is now officially cracked... I've got many many hits on this blog, but of course no sales. It's very interesting if you read the faq's at those iPhone crack sites, there is stated those cracked versions do not hurt the developer.... But yes they hurt indeed...

Thanks to all who've bought fgBrowser honestly! You'll profit every time from the latest updates. For the rest of you. Hope you enjoyed your trial version and you'll support me by spending a very little commission for a "truly groundbreaking browser"

Hi there!

The multitouch private fullscreen web browser will be updated to 2.5 soon.
The update features all functions of the multitouch fullscreen web browser (except the history of course) and:

  • discrete name & new icon (upon request from GB)
  • easy bookmark import via safari (with bookmarklet)
  • a passcode protected bookmark section (upon request of the US-iTunes AppStore)
  • fast scroll to top / bottom
  • remember last orientation / autorotation lock
  • customize per general setting
  • able to flip the history back gesture (upon request from Japan)
  • Javascript links work more reliable

should be available in a week. I hope you enjoy!

nice greets,

Hi Richard Rambone,

please contact me by mail!

best regards,